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Wet Driver Footwell


Well-known member
Well the fun keeps coming. Noticed driver footwell wet today. Looks like it has went on to mat and soaked through to carpet, although hard to tell. No other wet areas. I've taken the mat out and hung it up to dry and when drying the carpet with paper towels it looks like a brownish watery liquid, no smell, if anything it frothed up a bit when I was mopping it up. Doors seals look fine, inner wing drain channels are clear.

It looks like someone has emptied a can of coke on the floor, but that would be highly unlikely. It has also been biblically wet here for weeks, so that may have exacerbated any small issues.

Anyway, I'm puzzled, will dry it and keep an eye. Any thoughts anyone?

Did you say the door drains were clear? my car got wet in front because the doors got full of water and it overflowed into the footwell. The drains at the bottom of the door near the seal were clogged up with dirt.

Could also be water from the front scuttle area in front of the windscreen where the fuse box and wiper mechanism is. If I recall, there are a couple of drains in there that can get clogged with leaves etc.
Never checked the door drains, but had the door card off the other day and wasn't any water sploshing about but didn't have a good look. I have cleaned these previously a few years back but will check again. It's possible that the drainage is partially blocked (could have happened in paint shop as inner door checks got painted) and it could have built up and got inside during heavy rain, but has since drained away with the rain off. The scuttle drains are clear.

There has been mega wind and rain so water has been flying at my car from all angles.

I did once have a random soaked passenger footwell years ago but I after I dried it out it never happened again which was very odd.
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Well it chucked it down last night again and there seems to be no more water inside. Neither door making any sloshing sounds when wiggled about. The OS door seal was not sitting correctly but it was at the rear edge of the door and can't see how it could have leaked there, as that would have been into the rear footwell/handbrake area which is dry. Sorted it out anyway.

I suppose driving it in the wet is next and seeing if that causes ingress. No plans to go out today, will let it dry out more inside before I go chasing puddles. From the outside could see no obvious door drain hole issues, but will take the door card off again soon and check from the inside. Could see the front edge one clearly enough and was a few drips but seemed clear as my pokey thing moved in and out freely. That would be normal after a lot of rain as it exited the drain holes.

So I took the door card off, the drain channel was quite sludgy so cleaned that out, the holes themselves were mostly clear, now totally clear. The plastic membrane didn't look like it was being particularly effective, so that's all tidied up as best as I could as well. Although that would be more likely to soak the door card (was a bit wet in the bottom corner, but far from soaked and disintegrating) a bit rather than totally soak the footwell, but I suppose you never know.

It hasn't got any wetter inside despite some torrential downpours so far today. I suppose it's just a case of getting it all fully dry and keep an eye on it, especially after a wet drive. I really don't need the floor itself to be holed, but can't rule anything out. I do think the water has come top down and not up the way. Time will tell!
Good good, new membranes weren't much when I changed mine a few years ago, although you can use some strong plastic and cut your own I guess.

Not to alarm you but rotten floors are pretty common on the 944 I believe, had my drivers side patched a few years ago. Possibly from people using a floor jack in the wrong place when changing tyres...
Doh! Makes me cringe the thought of an idiot loose with a jack near a 944....

Went out for dinner tonight and got another biblical 3 speed wiper downpour. I grinned as I knew after 5 miles in that I'd know for sure if the floor was at fault. Thankfully I can report the floor was not any wetter than when we started the journey, so I'm quite happy the floor is good and that I have had some sort of door entrance infiltration.

Carpet is still a little damp, the floor mat is hanging up and mostly dry. Will wait till carpet completely dry before refitting mat and then keep an eye on things. Hopefully it's been some sort freak event and the fettling I have done will prevent a recurrence. Fingers crossed!
Carpet and mat both bone dry now. This is despite more torrential rain today. Refit mat tomorrow and monitor.

Next up handbrake shoes and MOT. No friction material left on my shoes, got my money's worth out them :p

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