Since my clutch change a few weeks ago I've been a little unhappy with handling - car a bit inclined to slightly change direction of it's own accord, but I'd put it down to not being used to the car having not driven it for a month while I was waiting for my indie to have time to do it.
10 miles on motorway with it doging about on Thursday caused me to think about alignment and I checked the tyres: The tread on the rear ones was scuffing.
Talking to my indie about this he immediately asked me to bring it back in - sure enough the rear alignment was out.
Wow what a difference! Totally planted on the drive back home this morning, big smile on my face again.[]
10 miles on motorway with it doging about on Thursday caused me to think about alignment and I checked the tyres: The tread on the rear ones was scuffing.
Talking to my indie about this he immediately asked me to bring it back in - sure enough the rear alignment was out.
Wow what a difference! Totally planted on the drive back home this morning, big smile on my face again.[]