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What is the -20mm like on c2s


New member
Has anyone driven the c2s with -20mm sports suspension against the normal c2s, or the c4s.
Is it alot firmer pasm off vs normal ride height pasm off?
Try a search for "sport suspension" in 997 section and you will find plenty of threads/comments on this subject.
I'm sure the -20mm LSD is a great choice for the track, but it stands to reason that one suspension setting cannot possibly be the best option for all circumstances.

For me personally, if I'm pressing on, I'm happy to have a stiffer ride and obtain better body control, but on a different day - late night cruise home or long distance drive to my family in Cornwall, something abit more compliant and relaxing is required, accepting that a 911 C4S is a spors car, and isn't going to be as comfortable as a Limo !

To this end, the two PASM modes provide a decent compromise for me.

That said, the few people who do have the -20mm cars seem to be glad they made that choice!

I had the -20mm + LSD suspension and I can highly recommend it. But then I like my suspensions firm.

Having said that, I've only driven a standard PASM suspension car once, and it had me immediately reaching for the sport button. The standard setting was too wobbly for me on uneven road surfaces.

So, my advice would be to try them both. But, if you don't have that option, then just try a PASM car, and if you find the suspension too soft in standard mode and you think you'd probably have it in sport mode a lot of the time, then go for the sports suspension. The other benefit is that it comes with an LSD, which is great for attempting the occasional drift.

I don't remember whether the ss+lsd combo is firmer than PASM is sport mode, or whether it is actually slightly more supple.

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