Further to a couple of threads recently, I have discovered that the locking wheel nuts I have on the front of my S2 are too heavy and are interfering with the balance of the wheel. One option would be to have the wheels balanced on the car, but with prices for this being not dissimilar to that for new tyres, and the idea that wheels need rebalancing every now and again, I'll look at the type of wheelnut issue first.
Currently I have the lightweight alloy wheelnuts with one locking nut per wheel. They look like this;
(apologies for the terrible photos).
I haven't weighed them, but they are steel which means they are probably quite a lot heavier than the (very light) alloy nuts. What sort of locking wheelnut do other people use for their wheels, if they are using the alloy nuts elsewhere? There must be lighter alternatives. What does anyone suggest?
An alternative would be to swap the alloy nuts for steel ones, making the whole assembly heavier but balancing out the weights better. However I'd rather keep things lighter if I can - I can't see any reason to downgrade the setup unless there is good call to.
Further to a couple of threads recently, I have discovered that the locking wheel nuts I have on the front of my S2 are too heavy and are interfering with the balance of the wheel. One option would be to have the wheels balanced on the car, but with prices for this being not dissimilar to that for new tyres, and the idea that wheels need rebalancing every now and again, I'll look at the type of wheelnut issue first.
Currently I have the lightweight alloy wheelnuts with one locking nut per wheel. They look like this;
(apologies for the terrible photos).
I haven't weighed them, but they are steel which means they are probably quite a lot heavier than the (very light) alloy nuts. What sort of locking wheelnut do other people use for their wheels, if they are using the alloy nuts elsewhere? There must be lighter alternatives. What does anyone suggest?
An alternative would be to swap the alloy nuts for steel ones, making the whole assembly heavier but balancing out the weights better. However I'd rather keep things lighter if I can - I can't see any reason to downgrade the setup unless there is good call to.