I use Tesco 99.
The KLR can only retard a maximum of 6 degrees under knock detection. The DME can me mapped for 102 octane - it is a programmable ingnition map. Maximum advance is 63 degrees BTDC as this is the timing counting reference before TDC. The wiper arm in the distributor cap will cover that range of ignition timing (especially bearing in mind that maximum timing is usually about 9 BTDC degrees during engine start).
The KLR does cannot work in closed loop. The KLR can only retard (not advance) the timing.
Timing is preset in the map (withing the DME). The DME/KLR can only 'closed loop' a timing retard during knock - not advance beyond the timings in the map in an adaptive sense. The DME can, however, closed loop a Lambda sensor signal for AFR under certain conditions (excluding full throttle and RPM over 4,000).
The KLR pressure sensor is good up to 1 bar (14.7 PSI) although overboost protection is triggered below that level with the standard chip.
Knock protection and boost protection are not the same thing.
Most aftermarket chipsets include both a new DME chip with updated timing and fuel maps, mostly optimised (mapped) for higher octane fuel, and a DME chip which disables the overboost protection only (allows greater than 1 bar boost but retains the standard knock retard system that will retard the spark by a miximum 6 degrees under severe knock protection).
The boost protection will only function with the standard cycling valve in place (OK with a Boost-enhancer but redundant with a dual port wastegate / MBC / EBC)
Simply using higher occtane fuel (99 instead of 95) will not release more power unless the timing and fuelling map are optimized for the additional octane.
All said and done, the DME and KLR used in the turbo are very basic in operation. The DME used in the 16V engines (944S / 944S2 / 968) features two knock sensors and adaptive idle so is a slightly more advanced design.
I hope this clarifies ...