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PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

Just a reminder that its Club night at the Old Ferryboat this Wednesday the 10th June 09. This is the long awaited 'Father and son Night' Club night.
Mothers as always you are welcome to bring your daughters. Father and Son members Brian and Steve Winstone will be coming along to entertain us. Brian with one of his 'special' cars will be sharing with us some tales he has encountered in the both sprint and hill climbing events. Steve who runs a valeting business will be giving up some of his trade secrets. You could pick up a few vital tips from Steve and then find yourself on the winners podium at the Regional Concours.

Also in NAT (News At Ten) we look forward to sharing with you some more events we have organised and others which are in the pipeline. If you have a raffle prize that would be very much appreciated to help build some funds towards events for us all to enjoy. We also hope to be able to share with you where some of the raffle money will be spent. Two confirmed subserdised events will be the Celebration Prize giving and BBQ on September Club night at the Ferryboat. I will also be able to confirm details of the subserdised St Ives River trip and afternoon Cream Tea event in August.

So, see you at the Ferryboat this Wednesday evening. Arrive early to secure a prime spot in the dedicated Porsche parking area. Its also more good news for Ferryboat diners. A phone call has revealed the special offer on meal deals will be in force on club night.

John Dunn
Region 24 and Committee.

P.S. If you cannot attend Club night and would like to attend an event please e mail me to confirm attendance.

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