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New member
Right, went to pop 1/2l of oil in the car and found this under the oil cap. Now i know that you can get a wee bit of emulsifying, with moisture in the oil, but what do you think.

I dont appear to be loosing any coolent, and the oil on he dip stick is perfect.

I would just like to make it absolutely clear that, should the worst have happened, it was nothing to do with me. The fact that I suggetsed in an email just this very morning that your head gasket would probably have a life expectancy measured in months rather than years was pure conicidence.

Mystic Fen
Without wishing to sound like a doom-monger that's a lot of mayonnaise for it to be condensation, and I suspect you have used the car enough over the last few days that it's been warmed through...?

Could this be related somehow to your AFR 'blip'?

I have the contact address for the UK distributor of Cometic gaskets.

Without wishing to sound like a doom-monger that's a lot of mayonnaise for it to be condensation, and I suspect you have used the car enough over the last few days that it's been warmed through...?

Could this be related somehow to your AFR 'blip'?

I have the contact address for the UK distributor of Cometic gaskets.

This is not related to the A/F blip.... But will definatly take that address and put it to one side as/when its required..
Rob Barker
Cometic Gasket Ltd
3 Greenway F.O.S.
CO13 9AL

01225 850020
Don't worry Slim. Mine looked exactly like that and worse before I had the thermostat changed (on both cars but the Turbo was always worse)

944's do have a tendancy for the mayonnaise on the filler spout because it is so long , and in this cold weather there is a lot of moisture about, so it's rarely a head gasket. My S2 did this for 40,000 miles before I changed the stat last year. It improved a great deal by backing off the oil cap a little to let the moisture evaporate.

One of the lads has a trade deal with Cometic. What sort of prices are you looking at and I'll see what he can do them for - just in case

oooh - I haven't asked them for a price yet I just spoke to them briefly at the Autosport show.

I just want an MLS head gasket for my turbo - unless they do fancy studs as well? There aren't any in the catalogue I picked up so I guess not.

They're about $100 in the States so I'm expecting retail to be around £100, which is enough that I'd import. Something more around the £60 mark and I'd order it.
ORIGINAL: Diver944

Don't worry Slim. Mine looked exactly like that and worse before I had the thermostat changed (on both cars but the Turbo was always worse)

944's do have a tendancy for the mayonnaise on the filler spout because it is so long , and in this cold weather there is a lot of moisture about, so it's rarely a head gasket. My S2 did this for 40,000 miles before I changed the stat last year. It improved a great deal by backing off the oil cap a little to let the moisture evaporate.

You know just he right things to say [;)]
Hi Slim

I had a Montego ( sad person ) that did exactly the same. It had a long filler tube right in the front of the engine and in the cold air flow. Cure was simple, I fitted some neoprene pipe lagging obtainable from a builders merchant, no more custard!!! I later found out that main dealers sold a specially shaped piece of neoprene lagging to cure the problem.
ORIGINAL: Kevin Welch

Hi Slim

I had a Montego ( sad person ) that did exactly the same. It had a long filler tube right in the front of the engine and in the cold air flow. Cure was simple, I fitted some neoprene pipe lagging obtainable from a builders merchant, no more custard!!! I later found out that main dealers sold a specially shaped piece of neoprene lagging to cure the problem.

I'm on the case [:D]
I just back the lid off about 1/16th of a turn from tight - it still feels tight when I come to undo it and provided I do reasonably long journeys (so the engine warms up fully) I don't get the mayonaise back.

How about a bulk purchase on gaskets just in case if we can get a good price?

Whats special about an MLS gasket? (that website is a bit tedious without broadband)

The website is a bit tedious with broadband too...

MLS - Multi Layer Steel. Basically it is two thin steel gaskets that are attached round the edge with flat rings trapped between them. These rings have to be lined up on fitting but server to ensure the area around the top of the combustion chamber is especially compressed.


I attached a pic, but it didn't show up. Here is the address:
Thanks, I checked the Pic from the email notification and have now signed up to renlist - something I wasn't going to do as I waste enough time on the net already :rolleyes: and there are lots and lots of threads there!
Anyway gasket looks good, might be a usefull 'insurance' spare at the right price,
It'll be months before Tony gets out of Rennlist now [8|] There's a wealth of info in there

See you in the summer [:D]

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