A quickie.
I will be changing one of the wishbones on the front of my S2 this weekend, and the car will need a full alignment after this. (It's about 3 years since it was last done, so it is overdue anyway.)
Can anyone recommend somewhere to get it done? I'm in East London, so somewhere within reasonable distance of there.
I have used Wheels in Motion before, but I have just dropped them a line and it seems that their pricing model has changed (no longer a flat rate cost no matter what needs doing, more a case of paying for an initial 'Imaging', followed by costing of the various options from there on in) and I'm hence happy to consider going elsewhere.
So, where else does anyone suggest? I think that Elite tyres in Essex do such a service, anyone else?
A quickie.
I will be changing one of the wishbones on the front of my S2 this weekend, and the car will need a full alignment after this. (It's about 3 years since it was last done, so it is overdue anyway.)
Can anyone recommend somewhere to get it done? I'm in East London, so somewhere within reasonable distance of there.
I have used Wheels in Motion before, but I have just dropped them a line and it seems that their pricing model has changed (no longer a flat rate cost no matter what needs doing, more a case of paying for an initial 'Imaging', followed by costing of the various options from there on in) and I'm hence happy to consider going elsewhere.
So, where else does anyone suggest? I think that Elite tyres in Essex do such a service, anyone else?