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Wheels & tyres inside a 996


New member
Can a set of spare wheels and tyres be squeezed inside a 996 for use at a trackday? Methinks not, but I thought I would ask just in case.

NB The car does not have a cage or anything like that.

ORIGINAL: paulf968 Can a set of spare wheels and tyres be squeezed inside a 996 for use at a trackday? Methinks not, but I thought I would ask just in case. NB The car does not have a cage or anything like that.
Going that I struggled to fit a pair of tyres in the back of mine. plus you'd mess up the inside of your car if you managed to squeeze them in. you could always get a trailer :)
thx ......... I have wheel covers to protect the interior but if they won't fit, that is the end of it. Now how about a roof rack ??? ........ your idea of a towbar on a 911 would work, especially as I have a small trailer! were they ever made? (even more weight on the rear axle though)
I believe there is a tow bar available,I think it's by a company called Willwood.Have a look on Rennlist,I'm sure I've seen something on there about one.
I managed it with the roof down on the way back from having my new 19s fitted. I'm not sure they'd fit into a fixed head 996 though.
When I sold the C2 coupe nearly tyres I managed to get them all in (I accept that they were not on wheels). Front tyre went in front boot having removed spare. Both rears went in the back with the seats up not down - they sat neatly in the seat wells. The emergency spare and other front tyre sat in front of the rears. Passenger seat fully forwards - wife found it a bit uncomfortable but we only hads 100 miles to go. Drivers seat similar, but I have short legs. If no passenger then you have more choice by laying the passenger seat flat. Yes a squeeeze but it can be done.

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