I know this might sound odd, but does your car have the windscreen fast defrost option. It is a pushbutton on the dash, similar to the rear screen heater button. If pressed in it automatically sets the heater to maximum hot, maximum blower and directs the air to the screen. It totally overides all the other heater controls when pressed. I know this beacause after I had the car serviced a couple of years ago when i went to pick it up they reported that there was a heater fault and they couldn't get it to blow cold. I thought it was odd as it had been all right on the way there. I drove it back and it was roasting, windows open etc. Next day I thought I'd have a look, check fuses etc, and when in the car in a bit of a gloomy place with the ignition on I could see the faint glow of the tell tale on the switch. Turned it off (latching pushbutton) and problem solved. The mechanic had wiped over the dash after the service and must have caught the pushbutton. I rang them up and let them know what had happenned and they were genuinely surprised as they'd not come across this before. Apparently not fitted on all cars?