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Which Petrol To Use


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Do members find a particular brand gives better performance and should I use 95 or 98 RON?

The fact that the current car is diesel is another reason why the wife won't be getting the spare set of keys!!
ORIGINAL: Manxviking

Do members find a particular brand gives better performance and should I use 95 or 98 RON?

The fact that the current car is diesel is another reason why the wife won't be getting the spare set of keys!!

Nothing but the best (optimax) for my baby....

Here Here, I second that
The only times I've ever put anything other than Optimax in the 996 were:

- once on the M4 at Reading where it was a case of BP Ultimate or conk out in a few miles

- BP Ultimate at the petrol station by Donnington Park just before a track day last year, and

- BP Ultimate at the petrol station by Donnington Park just after a track day last year

Otherwise, consider Sidick's comment "thirded" [:D]
Tesco's 99RON uber-super-juice.....with a chaser of Optimax every other fill (for it's deep cleansing properties - because she's worth it!)[:)]
I have Shell garage (optimax) database on my Satnav.
My car's equivalent of a "Good Pub Guide" [:D]

I have Shell garage (optimax) database on my Satnav.
My car's equivalent of a "Good Pub Guide" [:D]

For the less technically minded, can you explain how to do that ?

ORIGINAL: sotoole

Anyone tried the 102 RON petrol yet - I think only 6 stations sell it?

If the ECU adapts immediately when going down in RON (i.e. going from 98 to 95 to protect the engine, makes sense) and apparently after a tank or two when going up in RON; I'm not sure you will get the full benefit of higher Octane immediately unless the ECU is reset straight after filling the tank...

BTW, fans of Optimax, don't you feel you are being short changed when most of mainland Europe (and the world, I guess) has a choice of Shell V-Power RON 100 and Optimax which apparently in Germany is (was) RON 99?
BTW, fans of Optimax, don't you feel you are being short changed when most of mainland Europe (and the world, I guess) has a choice of Shell V-Power RON 100 and Optimax which apparently in Germany is (was) RON 99?

Yes, I do. But better, I think, to make the most of what is available.

I think the problem re the ECU reaction time is related to the fact that we don't run the car completely dry before refilling - there will be anything up to a quarter tank left. So if you have one RON 95 fill, the next fill will be up to 25% 95 and as low as 75% 98 .... so the ECU needs to be conservative. If the next fill is 98 again, it will leave you with a tank that is up to say 5% 95.

It is therefore the third fill that is below about 1% 95. Maybe that's the reason.


I have Shell garage (optimax) database on my Satnav.
My car's equivalent of a "Good Pub Guide" [:D]

For the less technically minded, can you explain how to do that ?
You can't with the Porsche Sat Nav, DavidO uses Tom Tom
ORIGINAL: Geoff997
You can't with the Porsche Sat Nav, DavidO uses Tom Tom

IN THEORY, Porsche's Satnav will list garages for you, and will name them. So a POI search will reveal the nearest Shell garage. [:)]

IN PRACTICE, the age of the data means that you tend to find yourself being directed to a used car plot on the site of a former Shell garage. As happened to me last week in a tiny Welsh village along a long and narrow road past the village school at 3pm .... [&:]
BTW, fans of Optimax, don't you feel you are being short changed when most of mainland Europe (and the world, I guess) has a choice of Shell V-Power RON 100 and Optimax which apparently in Germany is (was) RON 99?

Not just specifically with Optimax. Whenever petrol prices in general, the United Kingdom of Bankrupt Motorists, and Gengis (Gordy) Brown all come together I ALWAYS feel short changed [:mad:]
ORIGINAL: Michael Downing

IN PRACTICE, the age of the data means that you tend to find yourself being directed to a used car plot on the site of a former Shell garage. As happened to me last week in a tiny Welsh village along a long and narrow road past the village school at 3pm .... [&:]

It has been known [:)].

Although conversely I have also been in Wales and discovered from the Shell POI that there wasn't one close enough. I therefore conceded to fill up with what ever I could get before hitting empty. The first garage I found turned out to be Shell, having only recently changed hands. A positive result for once
IN THEORY, Porsche's Satnav will list garages for you, and will name them. So a POI search will reveal the nearest Shell garage.
OK the map will display all filling stations without being specific. The POI file does list filling stations by name and brand, so I retract my previous post in part. Tom Tom POI files are available that will display brand specific stations.

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