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Windscreen washer problem


New member
My windscreen washers seem to be playing up. The motor is working OK and the jets are not blocked (it works if I hot wire, and bypassed the washer stalk). So presume it's the washer switch on the stalk. Anyone had a similar problem? How easy to repair or replace?

Cheers for you advise.
Not too difficult. To change the wiper switch you need to remove the steering wheel (park up with wheel pointing staright ahead and the wheel straight - this helps when refitting to ensure the wheel points ahead when driving straight ahead), then remove the plastic shroud that surrounds the steering column switch gear (small screw on each side (if it they haven't been mislaid by a previuos owner)), then four screws holding the shroud halves which are exposed when the wheel is removed - note where the earth wire goes.

Removal of the old switch involves disconnecting all of the wiring (running under the dash) and removing some tiny screws which hold the switch to the steering column metalwork. It may just be that the contacts in your switch have rusted over - running some very fine wet and dry between all exposed contacts may cure the problem (this won't do any harm anyway) - do this after you have unscrewed the switch from the column metalwork but before you disconect all the wires - you can then test the switch in situ before going any further.

No more than an hour if all goes well. Only special tool required = a socket big enough to remove the nut holding the steering wheel on.
Brilliant advice but... if only I had known this 3 years ago it would'nt have taken me all day, one Sunday to get mine working again, mind you the switch is still working fine but I'm on the SECOND pump since then, the first one a replacement from halfords, that I "adapted" to fit and the second one a Porsche item that was fitted at the last service at the cost af a small semi in Purley. But I'm an "enthusiast" so what the hell!
Only special tool required = a socket big enough to remove the nut holding the steering wheel on

That's a 27mm socket if anyone needs to have a go. Done mine now, all working fine. A quick rub down with wet & dry (without the water of course) and all sorted.

Cheers for the advice
[FONT=Arial"][FONT=verdana,geneva"]Hi I had a similar problem with mine (88) if you remove the surround and switch you will be able to see in the switch a brass strip which needed bending slightly, now works fine, better than £100 ish for a new one

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