Have any of you folks experienced very fine, almost metalic looking specs in your windsceen? (they are not localised they are all over)
On a dull day it is hardly noticable, but on a bright sunny day it's like looking through a dusty screen. I have tried cleaning it (nothing abrasive i might add) and to the touch it feels flawless. It is hard to tell whether its on the surface or in the glass itself.
Is the screen 'ageing' as it is the original screen or can it be rectified. I have contemplated replacing it but at the moment that seems a bit drastic!
Would appreciate your thoughts and comments. Cheers
On a dull day it is hardly noticable, but on a bright sunny day it's like looking through a dusty screen. I have tried cleaning it (nothing abrasive i might add) and to the touch it feels flawless. It is hard to tell whether its on the surface or in the glass itself.
Is the screen 'ageing' as it is the original screen or can it be rectified. I have contemplated replacing it but at the moment that seems a bit drastic!
Would appreciate your thoughts and comments. Cheers