Ex Skyline
New member
....Whoever you may be? This is for you. But first of all, I would just like to say a BIG thank you to Andy, Steve, Paul, Martin (by
text), for your kind words. They are very much appreciated []. Andy, for a very long time now, I have said to you that there is
some kind of "Witch Hunt/Vendetta" going on against me and, I am glad you too can now see it. I have met some fantastic people
on here either in person or, only on here. You know who you are and, you have my contact details (although, I don't have all of
yours). It would be nice to stay in touch []. Unfortunately, I have also met a few idiots with whom I have no desire to speak with
again [8|]. To my detractors I will say this; I do not hide behind a key board, whatever I have to say I will say it to that person's
face. They may not always like to hear it but, hey, life's a b1tch! I "walk it like I talk it"! The flip side of this, of course, is that I
seem to have developed my own little group of people who take offense to anything that I say and, who get their knickers in a
twist ringing up the moderators, administrators, the Household Cavalry, ranting and raving about banning me instead of, just
banning me [8|]! All this "Political Correctness" was started only a few years ago by gutless, leftie, do-gooders and, idiots. That is
why the country has gone to the dogs! I won't be doing with any of that crap! I will always tell it like it is, call "a spade a spade".
With me, what you see is what you get, nothing more and nothing less. So, Witchfinder General, you can have my middle finger
[]!!! I have enjoyed being on here, as I say, I have met some terrific people and hope to stay in contact whilst I am re-building
my car. I just can't be doing with the two faced, gutless idiots anymore. I have decided to come off of here, if not for good then,
for quite a long break (unless I am finally banned [])! Good luck fellas! I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a terrific
2015 [8D][]!
PS: You can slag me off all you like now. I'm outta' here! I won't respond [].
text), for your kind words. They are very much appreciated []. Andy, for a very long time now, I have said to you that there is
some kind of "Witch Hunt/Vendetta" going on against me and, I am glad you too can now see it. I have met some fantastic people
on here either in person or, only on here. You know who you are and, you have my contact details (although, I don't have all of
yours). It would be nice to stay in touch []. Unfortunately, I have also met a few idiots with whom I have no desire to speak with
again [8|]. To my detractors I will say this; I do not hide behind a key board, whatever I have to say I will say it to that person's
face. They may not always like to hear it but, hey, life's a b1tch! I "walk it like I talk it"! The flip side of this, of course, is that I
seem to have developed my own little group of people who take offense to anything that I say and, who get their knickers in a
twist ringing up the moderators, administrators, the Household Cavalry, ranting and raving about banning me instead of, just
banning me [8|]! All this "Political Correctness" was started only a few years ago by gutless, leftie, do-gooders and, idiots. That is
why the country has gone to the dogs! I won't be doing with any of that crap! I will always tell it like it is, call "a spade a spade".
With me, what you see is what you get, nothing more and nothing less. So, Witchfinder General, you can have my middle finger
[]!!! I have enjoyed being on here, as I say, I have met some terrific people and hope to stay in contact whilst I am re-building
my car. I just can't be doing with the two faced, gutless idiots anymore. I have decided to come off of here, if not for good then,
for quite a long break (unless I am finally banned [])! Good luck fellas! I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a terrific
2015 [8D][]!
PS: You can slag me off all you like now. I'm outta' here! I won't respond [].