Hi All
Just a reminder to get your ticket application for Woodvale, together with cheque and stamped addressed envelope, back to me URGENTLY.
Closing date for applications is 8th July.
If you want a ticket application form please e-mail me ASAP.
If you turn up on the day without an entrants pass you will be directed to the public car parks and not be able to park with us, and no space will have been reserved
I have been having a lot of 'undeliverables' and 'bounce backs' from the R18 e-mail contact list. If you want to continue receiving e-mail alerts please confirm to me your e-mail address and check your SPAM file in case things have landed there
Just a reminder to get your ticket application for Woodvale, together with cheque and stamped addressed envelope, back to me URGENTLY.
Closing date for applications is 8th July.
If you want a ticket application form please e-mail me ASAP.
If you turn up on the day without an entrants pass you will be directed to the public car parks and not be able to park with us, and no space will have been reserved
I have been having a lot of 'undeliverables' and 'bounce backs' from the R18 e-mail contact list. If you want to continue receiving e-mail alerts please confirm to me your e-mail address and check your SPAM file in case things have landed there