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Yorkshire Wolds Tulip Rally

Ian Gilmour

PCGB Member
Hello Lincolnshire members

Please click on the link below for outline details of our tulip rally in the Yorkshire Wolds on Sunday 17th May. You are very welcome to attend and the starting point is only just over the Humber Bridge, not far from Lincolnshire's border.

If you want to join in just drop me an e-mail at and I'll add you to the list. This was a great day out last year and this year promises to be even better.

Kind regards

Ian Gilmour
Hello we are from Grimsby & might like to join the rally could you give same indication as to route? Richard & Pam. R4 members.
Rich and Pam Good to hear from the South Bank! Start will be from the Triton at Brantingham 5.5 miles from the north end of the Humber Bridge. Haf way will be at Burton agnes Hall and finish will be at Malton about 40 miles from Humber Bridge. Route mileage from start to finish c.75 miles. Would be really good to see some of you from the Lincolnshire Region. If you want anymore info please e mail me ( Andrew ) Andrew Warner and Steve Walker
I'm sure Elliot will be along shortly but we discussed and had some favourable responses at the R4 meet yesterday for joining the Yorks Tulip run. But i'll let Elliot contact R7 and sort out numbers and names. Paul
Rich, Pam and Paul Just wondering if your Region has had any further thoughts about joining us on May 17th.? Preparations are well under way and we can promise you an interesting route with a variety of road types in company of some very nice people ( even if they do come from north of the river! ). Would be good to see a Lincolnshire contingent. Andrew and Steve
Elliot Thanks for swift response and for the telephone call which followed it. Good to hear that we shall have a visiting party. Andrew and Steve.

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