Received a responce from Jeff Maynard about the questionaire - reproduced below.
Please see answers to your questions below
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hedges
Sent: 12 August 2006 00:12
Subject: Porsche Club GB M & A review
Hello, regarding the online questionnaire at
The questionnaire is too flawed to answer questions as I would like to.
a. I can't make head or tail of this question!
31. No person who is not a Full Member of the Club or an Honorary Member of the Club who owns a Porsche car provided that he/she is a Full Member, shall in any circumstances be eligible to be a Director or be appointed a Member of any Sub-Committee. (?)
This is not a question! It is an extract (section 31) of the Club's M&A "" you are asked to say whether the restriction should stay or not
b. These answers should include a option for a
"Keep the same" or
"Do not change" answer ie
'Should the Board require more/less members?'
Leave both options blank for "˜no change'
c. Also add an
"I don't know" answer, where applicable, I don't know the answer to some questions.
Same as b above
d. It would be also be helpful to add small explanations of technical terms like 'quorum'
Sorry but how would I know what terms you don't understand? Try a dictionary"¦
e. This is noting to do with the content of the questionnaire, but hardly anyone on the Porsche forum knew/knows this questionnaire was online!
It has been announced twice in Porsche Post"¦
Please clarify and explain the questions a little more and add a few more answer options.
Probably not going to change the form now but the option to write to me with ideas/suggestions etc remains open
Paul Hedges
Porsche 924 Register Secretary
My Mobile number 07940 441452 (6pm till 10pm)