Did some minor service to a 951 AC compressor. I will include pictures here, after all a picture tells more than a thousand words. I don't even know english words for all the parts inside compressor []
Starting point
A bit cleaned
Starting to remove magnetic clutch/switch
Take two washers off
And woodruff key
like felt washer as well
Remove circlip from the saft
Removing the front cover
Cover off, next remove black odd looking "washer"
Remove smaller odd looking "washer" as well
Remove main safts washer/seals (these are what usually starts to leak)
Take hose attachment plate off
Remove rear cover and "washers"
Separate compressor body halves from each other
Pistons can be seen now easily
Take pistons off from the eccentric saft
Take saft bearings off. You can also remove front & rear end plates
In pieces. Wash all parts now properly
After a cleanup procedure you can start to assemble parts back together again
Put pistons back to eccentric saft
And assemble front part of the compressor
New seals & washers for front cover and the main saft
Install front cover bolts, turn by hand as long as they go
And tension to right torque
Install main saft seals
And the circlip
Take a cup of coffee
Do not install hose attachment plate like i did. It's wrong way (upside down)
Install the "magnetic switch" with circlip
Put belt wheel on (with ciclip)
Put woodruf key back to the main saft
Install the front plate (remember two small washers first) & felt/brass washer
Push front plate gently on
Tighten the washer & nut to the main saft
You are ready, take a beer
One ready, two to go
Starting point
A bit cleaned
Starting to remove magnetic clutch/switch
Take two washers off
And woodruff key
like felt washer as well
Remove circlip from the saft
Removing the front cover
Cover off, next remove black odd looking "washer"
Remove smaller odd looking "washer" as well
Remove main safts washer/seals (these are what usually starts to leak)
Take hose attachment plate off
Remove rear cover and "washers"
Separate compressor body halves from each other
Pistons can be seen now easily
Take pistons off from the eccentric saft
Take saft bearings off. You can also remove front & rear end plates
In pieces. Wash all parts now properly
After a cleanup procedure you can start to assemble parts back together again
Put pistons back to eccentric saft
And assemble front part of the compressor
New seals & washers for front cover and the main saft
Install front cover bolts, turn by hand as long as they go
And tension to right torque
Install main saft seals
And the circlip
Take a cup of coffee
Do not install hose attachment plate like i did. It's wrong way (upside down)
Install the "magnetic switch" with circlip
Put belt wheel on (with ciclip)
Put woodruf key back to the main saft
Install the front plate (remember two small washers first) & felt/brass washer
Push front plate gently on
Tighten the washer & nut to the main saft
You are ready, take a beer
One ready, two to go