@Colgy - that's interesting re: the rev limiter change. That would certainly make it more fun on-track where I spend much more time in the top of the rev range. I deliberately went for a non-PASM car and I run with the traction control off on-track.
I presume the rev limiter change would require me to have Porsche add the "official" sport button rather than something that can be dealt with by someone like Zentrum. Any idea what that would cost?
I find the variable electronic throttle pedal ratio mapping to be rather annoying - as many have noted it changes when the top clutch switch is opened but have been repeatedly told that can't be changed other than by disconnecting the clutch switch.
Kevan - does the Zentrum remap replace any hardware? I know on a lot of vehicles they need to be chipped before they can be remapped.
I presume the rev limiter change would require me to have Porsche add the "official" sport button rather than something that can be dealt with by someone like Zentrum. Any idea what that would cost?
I find the variable electronic throttle pedal ratio mapping to be rather annoying - as many have noted it changes when the top clutch switch is opened but have been repeatedly told that can't be changed other than by disconnecting the clutch switch.
Kevan - does the Zentrum remap replace any hardware? I know on a lot of vehicles they need to be chipped before they can be remapped.