Hello all...
Michele and I went to the site this morning to remove the gazebo and whilst we met a windswept family sheltering under it looking at the formation kites, [

] had no alternative but to take it down.
The ground is
atrocious. Frankly, we only just got on and off the site in our everyday car, and it's only going to get worse.
So, with regret,
forget it - I would not even recommend you go just for the casual look unless you have a well equipped car with lots of ground clearance - its is like the Somme - stranded transporters & cars (ouch) and only one classic car, an Austin A7 on display (he was pulled up by the tractors yesterday).
It's obviously somewhat disappointing for myself and the organisers as there has been a fair amount of hard work (and £) put into the event, and gate receipts will be low.
I'm hopeful that we could organise a similar level of Porsche support for next yrs. event, and on a final note, they remarked how pleased they were with the organisation we put into the event.
Just as an FYI, Region 10, is still planning to have it's regular monthly meeting at the beautiful
Cowpers Oak Pub and Restaurant - if you are not "in the region" you'd still be very welcome to attend. All the best to you, we hope your weekend turns out well.
P.S. - I have laminated "
Car Descriptions" for every car that was planning to attend. If you want yours to use at a future event, then please drop me a line, with an A4 SAE, and I will send to your home address - If I don't hear from you within a month, will assume you don't want them, and will discard.