For those of you on WhatsApp, you may be interested in joining our 911 SC group which I have recently created.
This will be used in addition to our usual communications channel (will not replace Porsche Post, Forum or FB pages), just another mean to keep in touch and exchange between SC members and owners as some of you asked for this.
Please note that I will need to check membership numbers etc before accepting anyone to the group and will only open it to SC members at this time.
Looking forward to seeing you on there:
911 SC Whats App invite link
This will be used in addition to our usual communications channel (will not replace Porsche Post, Forum or FB pages), just another mean to keep in touch and exchange between SC members and owners as some of you asked for this.
Please note that I will need to check membership numbers etc before accepting anyone to the group and will only open it to SC members at this time.
Looking forward to seeing you on there:
911 SC Whats App invite link