They have hydraulic tappets, which are often noisy. More usually noisy when the car is first started, and becoming quiet after a matter of seconds (4 or 5 at the most.) Using a good flush before changing the oil is a good way of tackling it, or upping the viscosity rating of the oil (prevents the oil draining out so readily.)
If you are worried about the noise from them then try the above. If you are really worried then get someone else to listen to the car - someone from on here who lives locally, or a quick trip to your local indie (take him a few beers and ask for 5 minutes of listening.)
Cam chain noise is quite different to tappet noise, although the differences are hard to describe. An indie would tell you in an instant whether it is a noisy chain or tappets. Having said that, if you really are worried about the chain then you need to get it looked at, for your peace of mind if nothing else.
FWIW, the tappets on my S2 were noisy when I first bought it, but regular use and an oil change (with flush) every 5k miles has cured it. One of them was quite noisy about 18 months ago for a while (few weeks / 1000 miles or so) but it quietened down soon after; I assumed that a small piece of carbon had become lodged in the drain hole (or similar), and it took a while to become dislodged.