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ORIGINAL: Neil Haughey
ORIGINAL: diabloam
I hope 951 value's go up as in hindsight I seem to have got a good deal on mine, had car 5 months now, no problems, and once I tackle bubbles on sill I reckon it be worth 5k as its done 88k and is imaculate otherwise. There is a little fray/tear on the drivers seat, wonder how hard it would be to get a mint burgandy leather seat, will be keeping an eye on ebay. Does everybody reckon prices will only really ever go up now for clean 944's, reckon that is going to happen to a lot of 80's cult cars.
Nope, not when you can get a nice clean 993 for 20K or so. Boxster S is down to 12 grand now for the oldest models. OK you probably have a 1/4 chance or worse of suffering all kinds of RMS nastiness but the general public wrongly think of the newer pork as being bullet proof because they read all the bs written by journalists who keep saying how wonderful modern cars are and how rubbish older cars are. Sadly the number of ppl who understand how wonderful these cars are is very small and the supply is very high. Porsche made many thousands of S2's and turbos so sadly I can't ever see the prices doing much better. Lastly one needs to factor in that none of the older pork has the desirability of a 911 variant and I don't see that changing because things have always been that way (well last 20 years at least).
You have to get a car that is rare to have much chance of it appreciating. A good example IMHO is the Audi RS2. I have read road tests that say it is a dog but ppl still desire it like mad despite that if you stripped of the Porsche bits you are left with 500 quids worth of Audi. Lack of supply is why.
Ah, but how many nice ones are there left?![
They only made a few hundred Turbos in 1990 - red ones are especially rare I hear....[