cobnut said:Hi Cozza, sorry for coming to this thread late, but I'm just about to carry out the same sort of installation. Can I ask a couple of questions?
[ol][*]Am I right in understanding that the DAB/FM splitter you reference allows the unit to use the OEM FM aerial for DAB? If so, what sort of DAB reception do you get? I really dislike the idea of having to stick a separate DAB aerial somewhere - especially as most of what I listen to will come via Android Auto anyway. [*]I understand replacing the PCM unit removes the info to the dashboard. Does this include MPG/Av Speed, etc. or is it just nav & radio data? [/ol]Jon
Not directly applicable ( since this depends on the head unit ) - but when I swapped out my head unit in my daily driver toyota - I didn't bother with DAB - that head ( Pioneer ) had a separate DAB "application" to the FM radio - so I just disabled the DAB ( because I rarely listen to the radio ) and used stick FM aerial with the FM app on the head. SO if you would only use it rarely, I would suggest it's not worth any extra "agg" to get it working without the extra aerial.
Also - ( and there may be splitters that are compatible) when I did my install all the splitters I could find specified "not for use with an amplified aerial" - which the toyota - and the 987.2 have.