The problem with the tail pipes is that they, along with other items, were not available/ready when the car was released. The book suggests that an arrival date of Feb 05 was on the cards for the parts, but we all know that at times, problems arise with manufacturing causing delays.
Going on from that, it sounds like you have picked one of the not so helpful dealers which is rather unlucky. I started the ball rolling on the 987 last year and got a decidedly lack-luster response. After a month or so, just before the official release I tried again and got the same attitude. Of late my attitude has changed where I have absolutely no loyalty to these organisations unless they show me the same loyalty. So, I went to another OPC and got the exact opposite response. Other than not getting a phone call when I was hoping to get one everything went according to plan and slightly ahead of schedule. To be fair to the salesman, he did go on a long weekend away which was why he didn't call, so I can hardly grumble. It seems that there are 2 kinds of dealers and if you read a number of threads you can easily spot the good ones. In fact there was a survey a while back. Seem to recall it was only the half decent dealers that even made the list.
Anyhow, when I got my last Boxster I picked it up in mid July. Even then there was still 8-10 weeks of top down enjoyment.
Changing the subject again. Even though I loved my '02 2.7, the new one has taken a step forward in so many areas. Seats are far more comfortable and support your back better. Cup holders are in another world, even the indicator stalks feel sturdier. Oh and they've moved the wiper speed dial onto the stalk aswell, far better than the old one. 3 power outlets (of which they are going to reduce the number in the '06 model) and the general driving position is better.
I have 2 gripes. First is that the gearbox is so stiff. But then my old one was for ages - I honestly believe that my old one was just about settled in and loosened up by the time I got rid of it. (That'll be about a week ago).
And secondly the weather is poor and I've got nowhere to go that requires me to drive[
