Having booked to go to France this August via Eurotunnel and having been over a few times before with previous Porsches, I noted this thread with interest and duly booked my new-ish one as a high-sided vehicle, in order to look to take advantage of the wider track available in these carriages.
Everything worked fine on arriving at Dover, and I indeed was allocated a travel hanger as shown earlier in this thread, with the arrow clearly indicating what I had booked. I asked the check-in operator if I needed to do anything else to ensure I went on the right part of the train and she clearly said ‘No - the hanger is all that is needed’.
Unfortunately, what she failed to say was that you must also choose to go down the lane indicating single level compartments. We erroneously went down a double level one and found ourselves in the ’narrower’ compartments. Thankfully, I was able to successfully negotiate loading and unloading without issue but was miffed nevertheless. (There is no doubt that the dividing sections between each carriage are pretty narrow, as reported elsewhere). I raised the issue with the agent assigned to our carriage and he indicated what I had done wrong in terms of lane selection and said once this had been chosen, there was nothing he could do.
On the way back from Calais, I ensured that it was recognised I had booked as a high sided vehicle and was ushered into the right lane and all was well; the compartments were indeed easier to navigate on and off.
So, I’ll certainly bear this in mind another time but thought I would share my experience to forewarn others that the hanger is not necessarily the sole factor In getting to the right part of the train.