David, I take it that when you say you've re-set the "trip" you mean the OBC mpg figure? If not (or even if you have) I would re-set it after the engine is warm and this will give you a better idea of consumption taking the cold engine out of the equation. The 993's engine can take a while to warm up, especially in the cold weather we've been experiencing.
I get about 17 mpg on normal daily use but this is all A roads, if I go anywhere on a motorway this shoots up to about 23 or so. If I re-set the OBC on the motorway I can get 28 or so cruising at a good speed.
I also had an issue periodically a while back with the OBC fuel consumption figure going up like a stop clock at about .1 a second (I have a left hooker, so the read-out is in l/100km - the higher the worse it is). It would stop if I re-set it or stopped the engine and re-started.