Ace Cafe London Porsche Night Launch Party
From 2007, the London Region will have a new, much awaited, Porsche only night at the legendary Ace Cafe London. This will be on every last Wednesday of the month and will start with a launch party on Wednesday, 31st January 2007. Please join us at this historic location and continue to be part of the new Ace history which, as well as motorcyclists, today regularly hosts car enthusiasts.
The new London Region monthly meets will be on the last Wednesday of each month from 2007 and being a Porsche only night you can, pretty much, turn up at any time and will be guaranteed a parking space in front of the Cafe (unless it gets incredibly popular but lets worry about that in the summer
Photo Courtsey of Rick Cannell
From 2007, the London Region will have a new, much awaited, Porsche only night at the legendary Ace Cafe London. This will be on every last Wednesday of the month and will start with a launch party on Wednesday, 31st January 2007. Please join us at this historic location and continue to be part of the new Ace history which, as well as motorcyclists, today regularly hosts car enthusiasts.
The new London Region monthly meets will be on the last Wednesday of each month from 2007 and being a Porsche only night you can, pretty much, turn up at any time and will be guaranteed a parking space in front of the Cafe (unless it gets incredibly popular but lets worry about that in the summer