Tom (Augment) did detail the development of his board for the 944 here, I cant find the topic now but some of his early experience of running it is here
To me the advantage of Vems or Augment is that you are getting new hardware to replace the original ecu in a plug in box that means you could return to the original. The original ECUs are doing very well but a few have suffered from dry joints - corrosion etc. and this number is likely to increase, so overall you should see an improvement in the longer term. It may take a lot of hours on a rolling road to set up, iron out the bugs and additional tweaking may be required later. Another advantage over other standalone units is that with these 2 there has been a lot of work with our cars, others Emerald / Motec / Link etc. will require even more work.
On installation there are problems likely to arise with other components not being so 'fresh' - the ISV on my car was leaking a massive amount of air which with my Vitesse MAF which caused it to run very rich - so issues are not just found with replacement ECUs but they may be more sensitive to them.
So in answer to the original question - I have considered it but on my coupe, but still thinking a new factory GM ecu to match a new GM v8 - (If only I had time to get started, hoping to bring the coupe home this year which should help) and the cab I am keeping standard as tuning likely to adversely affect its value - If the ecu failed then it would be a hard choice!
To me the advantage of Vems or Augment is that you are getting new hardware to replace the original ecu in a plug in box that means you could return to the original. The original ECUs are doing very well but a few have suffered from dry joints - corrosion etc. and this number is likely to increase, so overall you should see an improvement in the longer term. It may take a lot of hours on a rolling road to set up, iron out the bugs and additional tweaking may be required later. Another advantage over other standalone units is that with these 2 there has been a lot of work with our cars, others Emerald / Motec / Link etc. will require even more work.
On installation there are problems likely to arise with other components not being so 'fresh' - the ISV on my car was leaking a massive amount of air which with my Vitesse MAF which caused it to run very rich - so issues are not just found with replacement ECUs but they may be more sensitive to them.
So in answer to the original question - I have considered it but on my coupe, but still thinking a new factory GM ecu to match a new GM v8 - (If only I had time to get started, hoping to bring the coupe home this year which should help) and the cab I am keeping standard as tuning likely to adversely affect its value - If the ecu failed then it would be a hard choice!