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fireblade said:
tscaptain said:
Of course [:D] Even the Boeing doesn't have fuel pressure gauges.
Never had a situation in the other German car which I would say was dangerous though as a result of S/S.

No comment, never had the privilege of flying a Boeing but they did give me a torch at Oshkosh last year

Come and live here for a while, our roads are so dangerous I mostly use the bus! Porsches and other nice marques are tailgated incessantly by hot hatches driven by people that think that they have something to prove.
Hi Clive, Several rallies are held here each year ranging from Classic to National as well as Hill Climbs and Sprints, I marshalled in the national Rally last year and was pleased to see local boy Stevie Leonard beat off Guernsey UK and I think French opposition. details

The sprint planned for tomorrow has just been cancelled due weather mostly which is a shame as I was entered.


OK thanks Michael,

Delighted to hear the National is still run. It is a delightful event, great roads and a wonderful atmosphere. Everyone is extremely hospitable and friendly - the post rally party went on for a very long time! :p

Unfortunately, the event was dogged by PR problems the year I competed. I recall a disgruntled resident setting up a table and chair and obstinately sitting reading his newspaper outside his house, which happened to be in the middle of a rally special stage. He would, of course, have been locked up had it been in the IOM! [:D]

Hi Cive

I think that I have hogged this thread for too long and off subject and Alan is just about to kick me off (quite correctly)

If you need to continue perhaps we should start a new thread. I believe that we can email each other as well but it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Cheers Michael

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