New member
Correct on the fan belt, which you couldn't do if it was for your waterpump.ORIGINAL: Johnny C
Apart from any performance differences, you can at least drive these if the cooling goes (fan belt) goes (though not in urban congestion I would guess). Last time my fan belt went I drove home 15 miles on the motorway then another 20 to the garage in Warrington the next morning.
I've always wondered, why did they ge rid of the aircooled engine? What does a water-cooled engie do that an air-cooled doesn't?
I've assumed that if you live in LA or somewhere, sitting in a jam on the freeway when it's 90 outside isn't great for the engine even with a fan and they pandered to the US market. Here in the chilly UK I've sat in a jam when it was 80 and the temp gauge got up to the 10pm marker but went no further.
Incorrect on the heating thing though actually - it's easier to keep an air cooled engine (admittedly with 12 litres of oil running around the system) at a sensible temperature simply by leaving the engine idling, even if it's 40°C outside, than the equivalent watercooled lump. This is because the engine driven fan draws enough air even at idle to keep the barrels and heads reasonably cool. The oil temperature will peak and stabilise even without the fans on the oil radiators.
Unfortunately it was emissions and noise which killed the air-cooled lump, but thankfully the 964 bottom end lives on in the turbo and GT3