The belt change is no more complicated on a 944 than other 4 cylinder engines that run with a balance belt, I have also changed cam and balence belts on Lancia Integrale engines, those Integrales make working on a 944 look like childs play!
A well known Ducati service shop told me that as well as observing the service mileage, that the cam belts on a Duc should be changed every two years even if the bike has not been used. A Ducati can be very hard on the cam belts, I think this may be due to the belt having to shut the valve without the assistance of the valve spring(desmodronic valves). Again I changed the belts on Ducati 'V' twins with no concerns. My view of the 944 belt is that it might be a little longer than some other belts (from memory) apart from that I don't think it is an exceptional installation or demanding application.
I will use the 1/4 turn system at the next 944 cam belt change, but I will change the belt every two years there after, which will equate to less than 10,000 miles between changes. My 944 has just been put back on the road after a 3 1/2 year layoff, so I think it deserves the new belt very soon.
Having sounded quite cavalier above, it is a complete catastrophe if the belt does snap so do what is right for you!
PS my current 944 belt has over 30,000 miles on it and is at least 7 years old!