I did the belts and tensioners on my S2 recently. Twice. See here:
.... and here:
If you want to DIY the job then I suggest you read those two threads, and all the various pages linked to from them. And also everything about the belts on Clarks Garage - there are about 3 or 4 procedures associated with them.
I guess the waterpump debate will rumble on. I had the belts changed on my car 4 years ago, and the indie who did it looked at the waterpump and declared it to be non-original, but not showing any signs of grief therefore not worth changing.
When I did the belts again at the end of last year, I looked at the waterpump and it looked fine. I had a replacement to hand, but didn't bother fitting it. And it failed about 1000 miles later - the impeller dropped off the shaft. Was this related to the belt change? I don't know. To be honest, I can't see how it could be, in which case I was just the victim of some unlucky timing. What is worth saying is that changing the belts is probably about 80% of the job of changing the waterpump, and hence it is worth doing 'while you are in there' if you are in any doubt about it.
FWIW, I got my belts and tensioners from Andy Everett at Promax, and the waterpump from German eBay - a seller called 911teile ("911 parts"). I'd recommend both of them.
What model of 944 do you have? (Not that it makes that much difference.)
I'm in London, but can offer you no more facilities than you already have. I don't have a garage or a driveway; I do all the work on my car on the side of the road.