Good look with the search Tim - my mate bought a used 550 back in March - 04 plate, 5k miles only, form OPC - he got it for just over £30k. The price had been steadily dropped from their original forecourt price of £34k, and he got £2k more trade in for his 03 plate 2.7 986 than a trade in against a new 987! It was almost due to go to the Porsche UK auctions as it had been on their books for almost 90 days.
The original lady owner paid £47k for it, she sold it back for £24k - nearly £5/mile in depreciation alone !!! Ouch [

Some places are still asking over 30K for them :0( There is one I've seen that has done 1900 Miles (!) and they want £36K for it ! That price IS 987 territory.
We went and looked at the 550 at Camtune yesterday afternoon. It was our second visit.
Had a test drive too ..... boy is that car fun to drive ...
To put everyone out of their misery :0) we ended up BUYING it !
So thats a 2004 Boxster S 550 Anniversary, just under 25K miles, standard 550 Spec plus SatNav, PCM2 and BOSE, with this years service, MOT, Tax and 12 months warranty for £28,500. Not a brilliant bargain I know, but they are an Independent Dealer, the say they will fix anything that needs doing, and hence will give me a years 'no major problems' motoring.
Oh yes, a suprise was that it had a Trackstar Plus tracker system fitted, which saved me a few quid too.
So in a few weeks I'll be joining the ranks of 986 Ownership ... thanks to all those that have made this journey possible.
I include a photo of my 'car to be' .... and they tell me its not been properly prepared yet .... so it will be even more shiny when I pick it up. A week of two to go.
Stay posted.