Hi Scott, I think the racers Edge plates look like fantastic bits of kit and there doesn't seem to be the ride height problems mentioned with some of their competitors. I'm not quite sure what they're doing in isolation given the number of changes made, but at this stage I'd definately go for them again. I wont be using them to vary camber though as I've been warned it will throw the setup out of whack.
I'm still using the original Lux torsion bars, because the rear springs are doing most of the work I decided to stick with them. Also I knew what ratio of spring worked on the last setup in conjunction with those bars and didn't fancy changing both at the same time in case we got unpredictable results. I did contemplate removing them altogether, but decided that I'd need to modify the shocks mounting points to be 100% confident that a failure wouldn't occur there.
I have almost no squat on acceleration and given the dampers are at minimum I think this bodes well [

] I'm curious to know how this lack of apparent weight transfer (or rather the immediacy of it) may change my driving style. Before the car has always understeered needing lots of trail braking to get it to do what I wanted and I supect I wont be able to take anything like the same liberties now.
Scott, sorry I wasn't able to take up your kind offer at Bedford, I didn't get to stay that long which was a shame, but it was fun to watch such a good 944 turnout anyway. You describe my steering feeling very well so it sounds like it is the settings. We have considered it could be a rack issue too and that'll be looked at when it goes on the ramps tomorrow for its check over.
The car has got the serious grumps at the moment, it was worse tonight on the way home as it was misfiring and losing power as it warmed up. 3 or 4 times I had to pull over as I ground to a halt. Sometimes leaving it for a few seconds before restarting to let it clear itself enough to move again. The voltmeter is showing a lower than normal figure and I'm sure its just a ground that needs a clean up, but by the time I got home it was too dark to do anything. To back this intermittent connection theory, when it was running cleanly under strong acceleration I hit a fairly vicious bump and lost power for a fraction of second, in fact it came back in with such force that I ended up with fairly lurid wheelspin [

The long awaited battery bracket is on its way so fitting that will be a good excuse to check over all the connections, with such a puny battery I can't risk losing any power after all!
I think the car is complaining about its 4 week break from daily use as one of the rear light connections has also corroded over badly and needs to be sorted out properly.[
