Ex Skyline
New member
Sunday the 8th of Joon to be more precise. Same sort of format as last year really. Meet up at Clacketts Lane and Pease pottage
services, "spirited drive" along that Porsche dominated "private road" to Brian's noshery on Madeira Drive, Brighton. Stuff yer
face's with sausages, egg's, bacon, black pudding and other varieties of artery cloggers (all on me)! Park up nicely in a line, photo
shoot, talk bollox etc,etc. Then it's off to Stanmer House for the "Brighton and Hove Motor Club's" Classic Car Show where, we will
park as a club in our own right, have a good walk round the assorted exotic automobilia, talk more bollox and, have a barbeque.
Then drive off into the sunset (after first receiving your "Brighton Hoon" commemorative plaques) with tales to tell your children.
Life don't get much better than that!! [8D][
services, "spirited drive" along that Porsche dominated "private road" to Brian's noshery on Madeira Drive, Brighton. Stuff yer
face's with sausages, egg's, bacon, black pudding and other varieties of artery cloggers (all on me)! Park up nicely in a line, photo
shoot, talk bollox etc,etc. Then it's off to Stanmer House for the "Brighton and Hove Motor Club's" Classic Car Show where, we will
park as a club in our own right, have a good walk round the assorted exotic automobilia, talk more bollox and, have a barbeque.
Then drive off into the sunset (after first receiving your "Brighton Hoon" commemorative plaques) with tales to tell your children.
Life don't get much better than that!! [8D][