ORIGINAL: zcacogp
ORIGINAL: colin944
The tensioner needs to be set. But once you know its ok then its not so hard.I personally think too many people get caught up in the hype about belt tension. Yes is is important but it's also common sense and if you have done a few timing belts in your life then you won't have any trouble doing your 944 belts.
I agree. Timing belts are timing belts, and a familiarity with the way such things work will mean you are able to do the ones on a 944 pretty easily.
I suspect the hype about belt tension arose from the balance belt tension, which is very very loose. So loose it appears worrying the first time you see it. But - again - once you are familiar with it then you'll be fine.
My local indie (Tower Porsche in Bermondsey) is happy to check belt tensions for free. If you take the car to him and take the covers off he'll give you the five minutes needed to check it and even set it right if you ask him nicely. Interestingly, he doesn't use a tension gauge but does it by hand, and by running the engine and watching how much the belts flap around (answer: quite a lot).