Not sure if this helps with a cab, but I've fiddled a fair bit, before finally being comfortable putting my kids in the back of my coupe. It passed muster with an initially skeptical mother too! And I'm glad I did - my two small boys love it - even the one year old makes a beeline to it every time over the bigger, more comfortable Focus of the Missus!
I basically had the same problems as above - all modern car seats are so bulky, that despite the nicely child sculpted seats, squashing them in is tricky, especially when trying to secure them with existing mounting points / belts. The solution I found was to strap a standard child car seat (up to 36kgs) with high tensile straps that pull the seat backwards into the seat back. In my case, the straps are secured using ratchets mounted to bolts in the boot. The seats are secure enough, that no reasonable strength can move the seat - something that can't be said of normal legal seatbelt attachment. There is another significant advantage in that it keeps the back of the car seat fairly vertical and ensures it doesn't slip down, thereby ensuring pretty decent legroom for the children.
In addition, I have passed the lap belts through the seat to cover any legal angles and as a second safety measure, though in reality they are a cosmetic enhancement as they provide far too much give; I have just bought some eyehole bolts to replace the lap belts with and am working on a way to add a second line of defense with these.
Interesting thanks, did you go through the gap between the seat upper and lower? (probably wont work with most seats roof down in the cab as a bar intrudes across the seat back, should work roof up though, thanks