Update: still not resolved, in fact taken turn for the worse. When I called jct600 to ask how much for a clutch power spring thought I may as well ask how much to fit. Only half an hour labour at £95/hour so thought I may as well have them do it, so booked it in. They were happy to trust my diagnosis cos if I was wrong they'd just return the part. So booked it in a week later. Day before I get a call saying they now weren't prepared to trust my diagnosis as the part had to come from Germany & there would be a diagnosis charge. I expressed dissatisfaction as I felt the goal posts had moved so they agreed to look at it for free. They agreed after looking at it it was the power spring so fast forward to yesterday and it was fitted. Upon paying I was told it had taken longer than half an hour as there was quite a lot of adjusting to do but I still only had to pay for half an hour so £118 all in. So far so good. When I drove away the clutch was very slow to come back up, in fact borderline undriveable but I had somewhere to be so drove away (1st mistake of many). By the afternoon clutch was working fine so I just thought it had loosened up or something and was happy. However, last night it had returned to being very slow to come all the way back up again. Then this morning, disaster, press the clutch and it just stayed down. Called jct but chap I'd been dealing with was with customer. At that stage my brain went all fuzzy and I convinced myself I'd seen some fluid down by clutch pedal during initial investigations so thought maybe slave or master cylinder had coincidentally gone as well. So I'm thinking if I get it recovered back to jct there will be recovery charges and their labour charges for whatever new was wrong. So in my wisdom I attempted to drive to my normal garage approx 1.5 miles away (jct is 6 miles away and across Leeds city centre so didn't fancy that) by pulling the clutch back up with my left foot. Somehow I made it without getting out of second gear and that's where my car sits tonight (in downtown harehills in Leeds - gulp)
By coincidence yesterday jct 600 in Newcastle got in touch yesterday afternoon asking if I still had some 924 turbo sill trims that I'd advertised on here months ago cos they need them for their restoration project they're doing, so I offered to take them to jct Leeds this afternoon as I was passing anyway. Lo and behold I bumped into the technician who'd done my spring so I gave him chapter and verse as to what had happened. He said the spring just needs further adjustment. So now I feel a right d1ck cos if I'd just been patient to speak to the service adviser I reckon they'd have come and collected the car and sorted it out with no further charge. All in all a comedy of errors & pi55ed of with myself tonight. Oh well look forward to a better day tomorrow.