Hi Tony
Unplugging the ICV it stalls, pretty happy there's no leaks, TPS checked too as said hall sensor and ref replaced, the other unknown is the Chipped Eprom in the ECU I'm in the process of sourcing.
Looking for someone that could re-calibrate the AFM I definitely spotted (I think and pretty certain) that's adjusted wrong and I know clouding my AFM is the spring tension been moved 20 plus degrees too! I'm don't want to randomly tweak things Really as there's plenty of warning adjusting the mechanicals in it but what happens if some **** has!
Checking/adjustment of Spring tension unknow. I would like to know how this is adjusted, suggestions was a plumb weight of xx Grams will cause the barn door to open/drop to a yy Distance measured from the mouth of the AFM input face, with this right and the whole selection of sensors no leaks etc, the AFM potentiometer wiper pickup starting from the right place ( here I feel mine isn't) as said with no leaks, sensors, ICV, TPS, wiring and ECU all working as they should and if so the "slow idle adjust" should set the tickover correct and CO2 and NOX in spec too......Well I hope so thats my dream.....So there surely be a Guru in a shed of the older generation that just knows what and how to set it up ?