You could try running a wire from the Alarm unit Plug A Pin 23 to the DME Plug A Pin 3, just in case there is a break in the wire somewhere.
Other than that, I think that maybe those additional boxes near the DME might be something to do with it. Can you see if they break in to a green wire (the W-Line) in the loom? If not, then perhaps the DME has failed, which would be highly unusual. Did you check fuse C1 when you did your initial fuse checks?
Other than that, I think that maybe those additional boxes near the DME might be something to do with it. Can you see if they break in to a green wire (the W-Line) in the loom? If not, then perhaps the DME has failed, which would be highly unusual. Did you check fuse C1 when you did your initial fuse checks?