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Death to the neighbours cats

The other problem with having cats sit on the soft top is when they get down and their claws scratch the paintwork either on the bonnet or the boot ....... [:-][:-][:-]

Haven't tried the lion poo yet but I bought an ultrasonic cat scarer from a garden centre (about £30) and this is undergoing trials. It detects the cats presence using a PIR detector and it is working so far. I've also moved the car away from the garden wall as it turns out the cats were using the car as a step up, as well as a bed in the sunshine. I'll report on the long term success of the cat scarer in due course.

From the response, it seems this is a common problem with cloth soft tops. My previous sports cars of many years ago all had vinyl roofs and I never experienced this problem. A warning about cats would almost be worth putting in the car handbook and Porsche could then do a good line is selling a Techquipment 'Porsche Cat Repeller' for about £300!!

Take them out in a Scooby 310 - feel so sick won't go near another car [&:]

see pic [:D]

Firstly get a DNA test of car hair to prove that it was the neighbours cat, may prove difficult getting a handfull for comparisum from the live item!!
Secondly you can get a water squirter to keep herons away from fish ponds, it detects birds arrival and then fires shots of water in an arc across the pond, you may have some water marks on the car from this but that has got to be better than hair/holes.
Had the ultrasonic cat repeller for about two weeks now and I have to report it has so far been 100% successful - no cat hairs or paw marks anywhere on the car. The device was bought from my local garden centre for about £30, it is battery powered, triggered by a PIR and I just place it about 2 foot off the ground (on a windowsill) to cover the whole of the car. The cats do sneak around behind the car but they scoot off pretty quick when the device activates. I think it generates a 'warble tone' at about 23 kHz but I haven't checked this yet.


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