New member
Thanks for the compliment, not that any of the work on this car was done by me, but it's still nice to hear. I'm falling in and out of love with the 944 as a car on an hourly basis at the moment. Fighting my naturally fickle nature which wants to move on after the 996 and try something new (T350c maybe)! I just can't seem to keep a car for more than 6 months without seeing greener grass on the other side of the fence. I know I'd regret this one for life if I let it go though. I always seem to find myself hankering after a 944 when I don't have one.
I don't know much about the details of the tuning set-up (something I really wish to rectify) so I don't want to miss-guide you but things Rick's said that have stuck in my mind are, the ignition is not particularly far advanced.. He apparently played with it from one extreme to another and found a middle ground to be best. The fuel pressure is kept low and the injectors are open for a longer duration because this helps the car idle with the 72lb injectors and the cam is a slightly longer duration with mainly more lift than anything else.
I don't know much about the details of the tuning set-up (something I really wish to rectify) so I don't want to miss-guide you but things Rick's said that have stuck in my mind are, the ignition is not particularly far advanced.. He apparently played with it from one extreme to another and found a middle ground to be best. The fuel pressure is kept low and the injectors are open for a longer duration because this helps the car idle with the 72lb injectors and the cam is a slightly longer duration with mainly more lift than anything else.