Fat Albert
New member
Nice one Andy, I used to fly BOZI from Conington when I revalidatedafter a long break, say hello to Gavin & Julie, they are also stockists of my little Aviation business; Aero-ist Clothing Limited
Nice aircraft, I recall all the emails flying around when that group was setup, much more modern than our steam driven old French things (built in '82 & '78, but the design is 52 years old!)
If you join the Flyer Forum, you can be the third 944 owner (with myself and Lowtimer) to belong to the Sky God Sports car Club, we meet up twice a year for a gawp at each other's metal, but just don't mention the MX5, it is auto non-grata!
I am Wessex Boy on that forum.
Good luck with your Solo Cross Country, you will probably find it the first time you feel like a 'proper' pilot and in many ways more satisfying than your first solo. I am struggling to get my final check-out on the Rallye due to weather and diaries not synching up, but hope to get it sorted within the next month.
Nice aircraft, I recall all the emails flying around when that group was setup, much more modern than our steam driven old French things (built in '82 & '78, but the design is 52 years old!)
If you join the Flyer Forum, you can be the third 944 owner (with myself and Lowtimer) to belong to the Sky God Sports car Club, we meet up twice a year for a gawp at each other's metal, but just don't mention the MX5, it is auto non-grata!
I am Wessex Boy on that forum.
Good luck with your Solo Cross Country, you will probably find it the first time you feel like a 'proper' pilot and in many ways more satisfying than your first solo. I am struggling to get my final check-out on the Rallye due to weather and diaries not synching up, but hope to get it sorted within the next month.