A word of warning. Don't go to France.
It's a nasty place, full of French people, with awful food and terrible plumbing.
And it rains a lot.
And the petrol is expensive.
And NO-ONE here has ever seen a 944 before in their life, ever, so you constantly badgered by French muppets asking "C'esque que c'est, monsieur?" (or something like that - I don't speak the lingo) whenever you park anywhere, or fill up with any of their overpriced petrol.
And it rains. Did I say that?
A word of warning. Don't go to France.
It's a nasty place, full of French people, with awful food and terrible plumbing.
And it rains a lot.
And the petrol is expensive.
And NO-ONE here has ever seen a 944 before in their life, ever, so you constantly badgered by French muppets asking "C'esque que c'est, monsieur?" (or something like that - I don't speak the lingo) whenever you park anywhere, or fill up with any of their overpriced petrol.
And it rains. Did I say that?