I have a sort of related problem. A few weeks back my turbo wouldn't start (just what we needed at 11.30 after a night out) Took the relay out and gave it a tap got back in and hey it started. Thought must be the relay ordered a new one and fitted it. Job done. Then it happen again! This time I tried by turning the reset key in my not so new alarm box, one turn and it started. Great until then it happened again this time over a week later, the key trick only worked after some time and with lots of resetting ie locking and unlocking. I thought must be the alarm, this carried on and off for a week or two untill I had the alarm ripped out and a new one put in. Problem solved I thought but no. The next day stared fine, went to go out at lunch and would start! It will turn over but won't fire. RAC came sods law I open the car and turn the key and it starts. Then last night wouldn't start twice. I have no spark I think which is the problem (by using the spark inline tester the RAC nice man gave me) but then it suddenly comes back and the car starts and runs fine. Today have been out stopping and starting fine. Now has one of you got a remote box and a web cam in my car and having a lot of fun with me or what is going on???? Any ideas on that one Fen or Peanut? Thanks Paul