It is surely no coincidence that 99% of these people are lefties; the agenda seems to me to have little to do with global warming per se and more - much more - to do with a Stalinist and obsessive fiddling with peoples' personal liberties. Now that the Soviet Union has gone, they seek new enthusiasms. The suppression of the Kulaks has already been accomplished, it seems to me...
Much of the global warming debate is entirely bogus and based, not upon scientific observation and empirical method, but on proprietary computer models. As most of us know, if you feed in your assumptions and biases before pressing 'Enter' you have a fair idea of what is going to be the outcome.
Compound this by simply lying about historical data (the well-known 'hockey stick' factor regarding temperature figures back in the late middle ages which has a radical effect upon the time-line) et - voila! it is all the fault of rich people who drive gas guzzling 4X4s and sports cars.
In truth, if all the environmentalist farted at once (a not unlikely possibility on a strictly Vegan diet) then it would blow the ozone layer to shreds. Ban lentils forthwith!
It's probably all bollocks, but we must prepare for the worst. The point already made by Sims, that the pollution generated by the building of 'replacement vehicles' far outstrips that generated by those already on the road, is entirely correct and quite irrefutable.
But a dreadful parallel already exists - it was already well-proven that a hunt with hounds was the most economical / efficient / humane way of killing a fox, but that did not stop the class warriors banning it, did it? What they meant to ban was hunting with horses, but they didn't (yet) dare say that.
I suggest the following defensive postures:
a) Sign the petition.
b) At every opportunity, brag about the low emissions generated by your car. Make up the numbers - everyone else does, after all. Somewhere on this forum is a posting which reports a 944 turbo's CO2 number of 0.55%. That's the stuff...
c) take every step to ensure that the engine of your ancient motor runs as lean as is safely possible.
Strength and honour...