What I want to know (regardless of all the arguments)
Sorry to pick out a phrase and misquote you, Paul....
Doesn't this sum up the whole argument? We actually DON'T KNOW!
Therefore, we could do "ostrich" and pretend that it will all go away. Or, we could play safe.
Again, I'll repeat that I don't have kids, so I could honestly care less if the planet implodes in 50 years. But, it won't. The likely senario is that the Earth will continue as it always has.
So, the problem has never been about the survival of the planet as the greenhouse gasses increase, or the sunspots become more active, or the con-trails of the Easy-Jet planes reflect heat outwards. The problem is that the Planet is changing and it is unlikely to continue to support a population of 6, 7 ,10, whatever, billion humans indefinately.
Ok, so we accept that. But, as we live in a country that will become more attractive as other areas of the world warm up, cool down, sink under water or become deserts, we will have to accept that our lifestyles will change. How much we act positively now may well affect the way our country looks in the future. Or not. Either way, at least we can't complain that we didn't try.....