Just a quick update on this. My car popped the low oil warning up again last weekend and the remaining 500ml from my top up in June did the same job again, taking the level back up to 75% full.
I've used the car quite a bit in the last couple of months and I can't remember the exact mileage, but as a rough guide it seems to be that I've needed a 500ml top-up after 1750-2000 miles of normal road use. I had an extra oil change at around 1900 miles otherwise I suspect I would have had to top up the oil after running in.
I wonder if it's a result of the cars running hotter for emissions reasons? On track I have an oil temp of around 85 degrees once the third cooler kicks in but on the road it sits at 115 degrees...
I've used the car quite a bit in the last couple of months and I can't remember the exact mileage, but as a rough guide it seems to be that I've needed a 500ml top-up after 1750-2000 miles of normal road use. I had an extra oil change at around 1900 miles otherwise I suspect I would have had to top up the oil after running in.
I wonder if it's a result of the cars running hotter for emissions reasons? On track I have an oil temp of around 85 degrees once the third cooler kicks in but on the road it sits at 115 degrees...