Crikey! I was warned that when you leave a role, even after well over a decade of volunteering, you are cut off as if you never existed. I didn't expect it to be that vitriolic! [&o] My point isn't that the current Board aren't a good Board, you are, nor that the current CH team aren't all outstanding: I never said that. I simply feel that
some areas need different attention, a different direction, a different approach maybe. That's my right as an enthusiast, as a still active participant in the 944 community at large, and may even have relevance with my 15 years experience at all levels of the Club from member to potential Board member. I stand by my assertion that the forum is largely a Register thing. Registers haven't been served well by some previous Register Directors for whatever reason, no-one would deny that of course, and have become somewhat disconnected from the Club in some cases. We need a strong Register Director, who will bring the ROs in to the fold and get the technical side going again, encourage these forums back from the splinter groups, work on the other social media sites to promote the Club and how it offers more than a free Facebook group can, look in to why some Registers have little or no activity and, if necessary, take some hard decisions. With respect, we've been banging on about how the Board should not be so busy it affects their work and home life: that's why we have the fantastic CH team, and 100-plus volunteers. If you are losing 30 hours work in one week then how does that encourage new people to strive for a Board position? I'm not sure what "blushes" you're saving me, but I do know I wasn't encouraged by the way the Board programme was seemingly aimed at getting a pool of very "business-minded" people in any position, rather than looking at the individual roles and whether they actually need an enthusiast to focus solely on that one area. I'm happy to admit I've not got the corporate experience that others have, and might be lost in the financial and business areas of the Club, but that may not have excluded me from being a good Register Director if the role was available at the time? I'm not sure, but is there currently even anyone on the Board with Register experience? One thing I'd encourage the Board to look in to is being more open to using the experience of long-term members from all areas, whether they are current Porsche owners, Club members or not. I make no apology for being of the opinion that not all aspects of the Club have to make a profit, and the forum is one of those of course. If the Board and CH staff used the forum, and the ROs and RSs were required to at least copy things here as well as other outlets, it would be a far more useful member benefit, and that's what we're all after at the end of the day. [
rob.kellock said:
With respect, I was in the same room as you when you participated in my Striving for Excellence programme and you made your views on your own potential Board membership pretty clear. I'll save your blushes here though.
I have just given the third of four consecutive weekends to the Club and my personal loss of earnings in the last 7 days alone run at around 30 hours. The rest of the current Board give similar levels of commitment.
As it stands, again with respect, you are not even a Club member and you don't have a Porsche.
The current Board and Clubhouse team have created some astonishing achievements (which you happily acknowledged at the Clubhouse), and your comments are unfair and unhelpful. Especially to Chris Seaward and his amazing team.
Ask any of the Club officials in attendance at the last conference dinner if they felt the current Board's objective was to "monetise everything" and you will hear a deafening silence.
Our objective is to provide the best possible experience to our members. From Magnus Walker's Outlaw talk to a Black Tie dinner, Motorsport event to Stately Home, trackday to weekend away, Le Mans race to an intimate audience with Nick Tandy, the list for 2017 is exciting and relevant.
The Club is in a great place -
let's embrace it. The days of silly political posturing are well behind us and thank goodness for that.